About Us

We're here to help our communities and community champions succeed. We're doing this by building fundraising tools for clubs and charities.

Our Mission

Communities are the pillars of society. And clubs and charities are the fabric of these communities. Without them our social structure falls apart. You don't have scroll far on your local news-site to see this happening in real time. That's why we're here. Gravy is our attempt to make financing and managing our clubs and charities achieveable for every-day kiwi's and help rebuild our communities.

Our Story

Since 2017 we have had the privalege and the pain to run numerous community initiatives and contribute to various local community organisations. In 2023 after years of experiencing the challenges our communities face first-hand we decided to do something about it.
We founded Gravy to make community organisations more successful and easier to run.

We started as a done for you fundraising agency and now we're building a suite of software tools to help community champions manage their clubs and charities.

- Phil Shaw

Gravy By The Numbers

30+ Clubs & Charities Represented
$1,000,000 Raised
200+ Funding Applications Submitted

Organisations We've Helped

What clients are saying

"Philip Shaw a huge massive thank you to you and Gravy πŸ™πŸ™for your hard mahi.”
Anisha Huntley, Waikawa Waka Ama


The fundraising platform for not-for-profits
Β© 2024 Gogravy Limited.